Posts tagged with #iphone

I have had a few of these pretty weird experiences.

The guy being interviewed wrote this article for The Atlantic called If You’re Not Paranoid, You’re Crazy, which might leave you terrified. In it, there was an interesting idea from a teenager’s perspective on surveillance.

Surveillance, he said, was pointless, a total waste. The powers that be should instead invite people to confess their secrets willingly. He envisioned vast centers equipped with mics and headphones where people could speak in detail and at length about their experiences, thoughts, and feelings, delivering in the form of monologues what the eavesdroppers could gather only piecemeal.

What I find ironic about this whole thing is that people are paranoid about the data that’s being collected on them, and some of that data is being collected because of paranoid national security measures. Can’t we all just fucking relax?

Dev Stuff

It would be really nice if Messages knew about the people I had on Find My Friends. Right now there’s a disconnect that really doesn’t need to be there.

It works. It’s fine. But you know what would be better? Something like this:

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Dev Stuff

The iPhone launches this Friday, and I can’t wait. For months, the hype has been hard to avoid. Hype has never had the intended effect on me; rather than piquing my interest and compelling me to round up my camping gear for product launch day, it raises my skepticism. However, the closer we get to launch day, the more convinced I’m becoming that this phone really will live up to all the hype.

The short demos Steve gave at WWDC and at MacWorld were impressive, but what really won me over was the guided tour of the phone I watched yesterday. Since when has a cell phone been really intuitive to use?

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